Alternatív LinkedIn a kripto-barát tehetségek számára

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Digital Currency?

TL;DR – Are you crypto-friendly professionals with real skills 😛 !?

Create alternative professional identity and join the waitlist for the cryptocurrency job newsletter and job board access.

Alternative Professional Identity

Create your alternative professional identity for digital career. Get paid in cryptocurrency for short-term work, as little as 1 hour.

Easily Import your LinkedIn profile

Stay DRY (Do-NOT Repeat Yourself) and crisp. If you already have professional profile setup in LinkedIn, easily import your page.

Join the Waitlist

Working with industry leading cryptocurrency projects, we’re developing newsletter and virtual job board. Get first in the line upon new job opportunities.

Legyen globális az automatizált AI-alapú fordításokkal

A a legfejlettebb DeepL fordítási technológiát használja, hogy tehetségét az egész világon felfedje!

Kiemelt tehetségek

Find the best talent in the industry for your cryptocurrency project. Make your own terms and conditions for the finest quality. See all talents.

Francesca Piovani

CTO of Silicon Valley Unicorn

Rhye Moore

Engineering Manager at S&P Big Tech

Helga Steiner

Architect at Manhattan-based Design Firm

Ivan Lawrence

Project Manager of US Biotech Startup

Trending Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Feeds

If you’re cryptocurrency enthusiasts, you’ve passed the vibe test. We keep track of what’s trending in cryptocurrency scene, and we are always open for partnership and business affiliation. If you’re interested on joining our digital currency job networks, get full access to premiere digital talents, contact us at @cryptdin.